Intended Client/Audience
Design Fundamentals Class
National Park Lovers
What I Delivered
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
In my Design Fundamentals class, we were tasked with creating a postcard for a chosen national park with the goal to spread the message of protecting the planet.
I chose Glacier National Park in Montana for the icy views and teal waters. Aside from the mountain graphics, i used shampoo to mimic ice/melting ice to write "glacier" and the "e."

Intended Client/Audience
Design Fundamentals Class
USC Assmt Earth Initiative
@green.usc followers
What I Delivered
Social Media Carousel Graphics
Adobe Express
Also in my Design Fundamentals class, we got to make a social media "campaign" where we created graphics to promote sustainability in our community. It was challenging using a developing interface (Adobe Express) but I navigated the bugs.
I chose to target USC college students, staff, and visitors by highlighting USC's multi-stream waste bins around campus to separate landfill, recycling, and compost.
Here is a link to the post: @katkr8s